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Asphalt Paving company Hampton VA How to Choose the best Paving contractor There are different factors which will affect the outcome and price of the paving project. Choosing lowest bid is actually not the correct choice when choosing the paving contractor. There are various things which will help you make the right decision. Here is how to choose the best paving contractor. Insurance Coverage: Like the auto insurance, various contractors choose the insurance which has the minimum requirement as stated by the law. When accidents occur and they’re on your property, you’re supposed to be protected accordingly. For you to be well protected, the contractor you are having is supposed to follow the following insurance requirements; auto liability, general liability, umbrella policy, and workers compensation. Material selection: Many of the paving is recycled time and again. Essentially, there have different grades of paving with various percentages of the recycled material. Having the low-quality paving installed will affect the appearance and longevity of the paving contractor. Requesting the higher grade with lesser recycled material become the wise choice. Type of the Equipment: With the paving company, the type of the equipment becomes paramount. Machines which breakdown regularly can delay completion of the paving project. Likewise, paves may cool quickly. To wait for very long when installing your paves can affect appearance of the pavement upon the completion. Correctly maintained equipment is very important to any paving contractor. Down Payment: Except your paving contractor is above $10,000, you will not pay the down payment to a contractor for the paving project. Many reputable paving companies have the lines of a credit with different material suppliers. They should not need any particular deposits from you. To deposit the funds with the contractor can run a risk of misusing the funds by a contractor. It is unfortunate, though there are those contractors out who use the deposits to complete paving instead of using the unfinished paving projects.

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