We've compiled a running list of San Antonio establishments where you can sample different dishes made with healthy animal fats, such as lard or beef tallow. We will eventually include establishments all around the U.S., so if you've got a favorite restaurant that puts lard or beef tallow on the menu, drop us an email at info@coastpacking.com and we will gladly add it to our listing. Or you can post an image or link to the eatery via Twitter/Instagram/Pinterest, etc with the hashtag #LardOnTheMenu or #TallowOnTheMenu and we will be sure to include those as well!
Other editions:
Los Angeles Edition: https://batchgeo.com/map/c13417bb0faf36c0799c351c8d020b3b
Dallas Edition: https://batchgeo.com/map/5d8b4bd78d7a2c6028e37c82e0725e48
Houston Edition: https://www.batchgeo.com/map/774cce61c9826595cc32eef74884a131
New York Edition: https://batchgeo.com/map/5a8df0ecde97db4605d7d8c584ccfe44
Chicago Edition: https://www.batchgeo.com/map/51a2088bce35ea57b11f19de114c9faf
Taste the Difference – LA Burrito Edition: https://batchgeo.com/map/343baa7ff37598f98b6a643cfc75f462
Beef-Fat French Fries Edition: https://batchgeo.com/map/d05a2db93b9abe99c1d98300aff72ea2]