From spreadsheet to map in three simple steps
1. Copy your data
From spreadsheets, to tables in web pages, databases—anywhere you can visualize a table with location data you can map multiple locations with BatchGeo. If you are starting from scratch, we recommend using our Spreadsheet Template to get started with your data, then simply copy the data over to BatchGeo to create a pin map.
2. Set options
We make our best guess at your intended columns like the address, city, state, zip code, or latitude / longitude. You may want to set the options yourself if you don't like the default behavior.
3. Map Addresses
We plot your postcodes / addresses and make your multi pin map. It may take a few minutes depending on how many addresses you have, if you already had latitude and longitude in your data it will map instantly. After you are done mapping the addresses you can save to a web page using the "Continue & Save" option.
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